Headshots and Photographers

Combined with your resume, your headshot is your utmost important marketing tool. So, who do you go to? Colour or black & white? Head shot or full body? Indoor studio or outdoor setting? These are all questions that only you can answer, but we hope to help you find that answer. First of all, there are some groups who do not need professional headshots at all.

  • Babies and infants grow so fast that by the time a picture is taken and developed, they look different. Well, not that fast, but you know what I mean.
  • If you're looking to get into Background or Extra work exclusively, then you won't need them done either.

Where to start?

Most photographers have a website with samples of their work, their rates and what you can expect to receive for your money. Take your time and compare notes. A list of photographers for headshots is provided here on our website's resource listing.

You may want to hire a makeup artist for your headshot. Most photographers will have a makeup artist or two they can recommend to you. Considering that every audition you go to you'll be doing your own hair, it's a good idea to keep things to a style(s) that you would be able to replicate later.

If you have an agent, ask them! They see tonnes of headshots come across their desk and will know what look is working. They’ll know what features may have been understated in your last shots and what needs to be highlighted in your new shots. They may even offer to have a look at your final selection before choosing the ones to go to print.

Before the Shoot

Before you head out to get your picture taken, know what it is about yourself that you want to showcase. The photographers will mind the lighting, positioning and framing but it’s up to you to create the moment. Bring it!